Wi-Fi Assistant is now available in 11 more countries for Fi users, adds ability to secure open networks saved on … – Android Police

Android Police

Wi-Fi Assistant is now available in 11 more countries for Fi users, adds ability to secure open networks saved on
Android Police
Project Fi’s Wi-Fi Assistant has been in the news more than usual lately, due to its addition to all Nexus devices and its new ability to secure networks that users manually connect to. Now, the team behind Wi-Fi Assistant has added eleven new European …

Android Police

Wi-Fi Assistant is now available in 11 more countries for Fi users, adds ability to secure open networks saved on ...
Android Police
Project Fi's Wi-Fi Assistant has been in the news more than usual lately, due to its addition to all Nexus devices and its new ability to secure networks that users manually connect to. Now, the team behind Wi-Fi Assistant has added eleven new European ...