Unless You Hate Money and/or Yourself, You Should Sign Up for Project Fi – New York Magazine

New York Magazine

Unless You Hate Money and/or Yourself, You Should Sign Up for Project Fi
New York Magazine
Started as an invite-only service in 2015, before being offered to the general public in early 2016, Project Fi’s network switches on the fly between T-Mobile, Sprint, and U.S. Cellular’s cell and data networks. It starts at $20 a month for unlimited

New York Magazine

Unless You Hate Money and/or Yourself, You Should Sign Up for Project Fi
New York Magazine
Started as an invite-only service in 2015, before being offered to the general public in early 2016, Project Fi's network switches on the fly between T-Mobile, Sprint, and U.S. Cellular's cell and data networks. It starts at $20 a month for unlimited ...