James Investment Research Has Trimmed By $5.47 Million Its Unum Group (UNM) Position; Franks International NV (FI) Sentiment Is 1.59 – The FinReviewer

James Investment Research Has Trimmed By $5.47 Million Its Unum Group (UNM) Position; Franks International NV (FI) Sentiment Is 1.59  The FinReviewerJames Investment Research Inc decreased Unum Group (UNM) stake by 28.78% reported in 2018Q3 S…

James Investment Research Has Trimmed By $5.47 Million Its Unum Group (UNM) Position; Franks International NV (FI) Sentiment Is 1.59  The FinReviewer

James Investment Research Inc decreased Unum Group (UNM) stake by 28.78% reported in 2018Q3 SEC filing. James Investment Research Inc sold 140384 ...