Wednesday Poll: Buying the Galaxy S8 or Galaxy S8+? – Droid Life (press release) (blog)

Droid Life (press release) (blog)

Wednesday Poll: Buying the Galaxy S8 or Galaxy S8+?
Droid Life (press release) (blog)
Its the perfect size, anything bigger and you lost me. (and I had a LG G3 previously). imHOWIE. I want to get on Project Fi, so I’m waiting for the Pixel 2. aculbreth. Not really a fan of the tall slender profile of the phone. Have enough trouble as it

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Droid Life (press release) (blog)

Wednesday Poll: Buying the Galaxy S8 or Galaxy S8+?
Droid Life (press release) (blog)
Its the perfect size, anything bigger and you lost me. (and I had a LG G3 previously). imHOWIE. I want to get on Project Fi, so I'm waiting for the Pixel 2. aculbreth. Not really a fan of the tall slender profile of the phone. Have enough trouble as it ...

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